WellBEing Resource: Natural Health, Wellness, and Holistic Guide for Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Folsom

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17 Minutes in Nature for Wellbeing

By Terri Test, Certified Holistic Health Coach

We all begin with the best of intentions. We aspire to establish a consistent weekly self-care routine, recognizing the positive impact it has on our well-being. Yet, life’s unexpected twists often throw our self-care plans off course. When the unexpected arises, our self-care routine is often the first casualty. What if there was one self-care routine that took less than 20 minutes each day and could have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being? Would you find a way to prioritize it? The answer might become clear as you explore its numerous benefits.

Imagine one weekly self-care practice that could:

  • Enhance the quality of your sleep.
  • Recharge your energy levels.
  • Boost your focus and concentration.
  • Foster creativity and problem-solving.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Improve your mood.
  • Decrease inflammation in your body.
  • Enhance your memory.
  • Lower your blood pressure.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Contribute to your happiness.
  • Reduce anxiety.
  • Promote mindfulness.
  • Elevate your overall quality of life.

Surprisingly, spending a short amount of time in nature can achieve all these benefits…

Click HERE to continue reading.