WellBEing Resource: Natural Health, Wellness, and Holistic Guide for Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Folsom

Events & Festivals

WellBEing Mixers


Would you like to attend a future mixers and/or become a host or vendor?

Email Jill@iLoveWellBEing.com and we’ll reply with details!

Click HERE to receive info on mixers & other upcoming happenings! 


Joyfully creating gatherings filled with fun, connections, & collaborations! 

• View Spring Mixer Pictures HERE

• View Shine Mixer Pics HERE

• View Garden to Grill Mixer Pics HERE


Sweet feedback from WellBEing Mixer attendees:

“Good morning dear Jill! Thank you for hosting such a wonderful gathering. I met so many people I was supposed to connect with- my heart is so full of love and gratitude to you.  I woke up this morning with the message: “Jill is a connector of hearts.” Heather Needham
“Jill, It was wonderful to meet you and so many other wonderfully talented and caring people. I already have an appointment to visit the float center. I am excited about the connections made. Thanks again.” Terry McSweeney

“Hi Jill the event was great! You did an awesome job. The place was lovely and very peaceful. The food was the bomb. I really enjoyed learning about the other vendors. Thank you”  Shea Darrow

“I thought the event was really nice and a great way to meet others in this field of work. The venue was beautiful! The raffle prizes were wonderful! I enjoyed meeting people and learning about their work. I felt coming together as a community was a wonderful thing! Thank you for putting this together!!” Elena Hayden

“Thank you Jill!!! So very great to have made it. I had a great time. You were my highlight of the evening : ) Thank you again!!” Aleah Jordan


“Jill – Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful event. I met some really friendly and dynamic people and look forward to seeing (& referring to) them soon.” Darryl Azouz


“Thanks so much Jill for a wonderful event.” Erin Georgia Burrell 

“Thank you Jill for organizing this and getting us all together. POWERFUL!!! And so helpful! So nice meeting everyone! The food and environment were wonderful!!!” Lorraine Chilson

“Amazing Mixer Jill! Thank you so much. Wish I would have attended more mixers in the past. I know that it is a lot of work but I am already looking forward to the next one 🙂 Nice job! You are an amazing lady and I’d love to connect more often! Blessings!” Steve Metzger

“Thank you Jill for a wonderful event. It felt synchronistic the people I connected with, like the unseen hand of God guiding our paths together.” Lynette Britt

“Thank you so much for such a beautiful event!!” Kerry Jehanne

“What a great event, perfect in every way. I enjoyed it very much! So many wonderful people to get to know. I appreciated the kind words too. Thank you Jill for this find event, pulling it all together in such a delightful package!” Shirley Ryan

“Thank you WellBeing Jill Bernard for putting together this amazing event. Really enjoyed being around like minded people and enjoy amazing health food and drinks.” Justin Abramson

“It was a very well attended event with many wonderful people. Great job Jill!” Gail Derin

“Had a really nice time and enjoyed meeting new people. Thank you for the invite and the special gift-bag treat.” Jennifer Stirton Landers

“Thank you WellBeing Jill Bernard for the goodies, you make magic happen, it was a good time with good vibe people.” Liana Morena

“It was absolutely delightful Jill. People were so friendly. I met some really nice people and I even have one lady totally interested in helping her go whole foods plant based! Great job Jill.” Linda Middlesworth


“Last night I went to WellBeing Jill Bernard event and it was awesome! Jill knows how to bring people together.” Rhonda Liebig


“This was one of the best mixers I have ever attended. Never have had so much fun with other people in the healing community. Saw people I knew, students, other practitioners and met a lot of new and amazing people! Better than Christmas! It was absolutely fantastic! Huge thank you for such a great evening….truly had such a good time and the food and guests were delightful!”  Shawna O’Meara


“This was my first WellBEing event and honestly it was the best overall event I’ve attended so far for my business! I look forward to attending again!” Elsa Garcia


“What a Great gathering of amazing people. It was so good to see old friends and make new ones. Great Food, and Music too. Thanks Jill for putting together a wonderful networking event!”  Kathleen Johnson


“Healing Hands ~ Healing Hearts Group had a Wonderful time…. met great like minded people, and Jill with WellBeing resource put in an awesome event. As a new person coming into this event, I literately felt I was entering in an event room full of Angels. The energy was Light, fun and warm. Exchanging information with like minded people on how we can work together to make change for the better of humanity. I look forward to more events with WellBeing Resource and all the Angels who attend.” Monica Martinez


“You did an awesome job putting the event together! Way to go. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and thought it was very productive. How great is it to have all those high vibrating people under one roof!” Jan Carter


“Thank YOU for the great Mixer! You did a super job my friend! Thank you so much for your support!” Linda Byrd


“Thanks Jill for hosting a lovely affair! The food was yummy, the people were inspiring and the raffle prizes were fun and exciting! ‘I love WellBEing’ and look forward to your next gathering!” Nicole Mark


“Great food, great prizes, great fun! Met wonderful healers in the community where otherwise I wouldn’t have the opportunity to mingle; Such a variety of people passionate for helping others on the healing journey. Thank you WellBEing for a fabulous mixer!” Chuente Castanada


“This really was a wonderful event and such awesome people! I wish we had a chance to meet everyone. Jill did a fantastic job!” Alex Treglazoff


“I am in awe of Jill’s joyful way of bringing a community together.”  Sunwolf Dawn Grove


“This was a really great event. I met a lot of people who are in the wellness field and got to learn about a lot of services and providers that I need to know about in the Yoga business. Thanks, Jill! It was a really fun event and a very impressive turnout!!  Jim Cahill


 “I would just like to say, your mixer event was fabulous. A great opportunity to make friends and meet the rest of the wellbeing community. 🙂 It was definitely a positive experience! So many great people!” Adriana McManus


“Excited and fortunate for WellBEing… through the Mixer, I was able to connect with holistic practitioners throughout the Sacramento area.” Darryl Lardizabal


“Thank you for hosting such a lovely event.” Beverly Meyer


“Thx, jill – great time last nite!” Lisa Bryant


“WellBeing Resource Guide Mixer was a very nice evening! Plenty of food, nice people, connecting, reconnecting, good music!” September Hope


“I think it was a great turn  out. Very fun. Thanks again.” Dr. Keppler


Great get together…lovely people and yummy buffet.” Maritza Giberga


“I had such a wonderful time meeting new people. Thank you so much for bringing all of us together. What a great night, kuddos to you and your team! It was well worth it.” Rhonda Liebig


“Thank you Jill – what a great event!” Beth Turk


“Had an awesome time and it was great meeting everyone.” Colleen Feaster


“Thanks Jill, You did a great job putting it together. We had a great time.” Robert Whitaker


 “Very nice, Jill! Thank you for putting that event together!” Patricia Moore


“Great event! Was very enjoyable to meet so many wonderful people!” Jeff Wilfong


Was fun and great to connect with so many amazing people!!!” Shawn Dooley-Godwin


“It was a great night! Thank you, WellBEing!” Christina Coppola


Want to attend a future mixer and/or become a vendor or host?

Please Email Jill and we’ll reply with dates & details 🙂

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Happy Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)!


Happy_Rosh_Hashanah_ResizedInstead of waiting til Jan 1, why not start anew today! The Jewish New Year Holiday, Rosh Hashanah, goes from the evening of September 16th, 2012 through September 18th, 2012. Rosh Hashanah is the day “we wake ourselves up to becoming the person we most want to be.”

The following post is an excerpt by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld:

Here are three steps to making a successful resolution:

The first step is to make a resolution that we can succeed in. When we make a resolution, we will have greater chance for success if it is a limited and concrete resolution.

Step two: When making a resolution and following through on that resolution, don’t expect immediate gratification. The key is to never let our personal feelings of pleasure interfere with our commitment to our resolution. So step two to a successful resolution is to not confuse how we feel with what is our ultimate goal as such a mistake will lessen our commitment and our dedication.

The third step in making a successful resolution is to never doubt one’s own ability to be successful. Many of us fail in our goals because we think we just can’t do it. We think it is beyond us. Too hard. We give up. Rosh Hashanah is a reminder that we are great, and we have the ability to succeed.

So these are three steps to help make our resolutions a success:

1) make a specific and limited resolution

2) don’t confuse our momentary enjoyment with the goal of the resolution

3) don’t ever doubt our ability to follow through and successfully complete the resolution.

Here is a bonus hint: Resolutions are more likely to succeed when they are publicly shared and when there is support from friends.”

Happy Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)! Read More »

Holistic Happenings in Sacramento, Roseville, & Folsom

Check out our Community Calendar for tons of events & happenings from throughout our region.  Everything from yoga and other movement classes, nutrition and cooking workshops, retreats, festivals, reiki circles, and SO MUCH MORE!

Click HERE to view and make sure to check back regularly as new events are added daily.  If you’d like your event featured on the home page of www.ilovewellbeing.com and/or on the community calendar, email jill@ilovewellbeing.com


Holistic Happenings in Sacramento, Roseville, & Folsom Read More »

WellBEing Gatherings

Namaste Beautiful BEings!  

We will be putting together a series of WellBEing Gatherings in the latter half of 2013 and would love to know what YOU would like to see, learn, and be part of.

• Are you interested in self growth, increased self esteem, knowing of life purpose, abundance (or all of the above)?

• Are you interested in learning more about business?

• Are you interested in simply meeting and connecting with others that have similar interests?

• Being part of a new retreat or festival?

• Have other ideas?

Please submit a reply on this blog post OR send me an email.



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