WellBEing Resource: Natural Health, Wellness, and Holistic Guide for Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Folsom


Producer of WellBEing Resource, Writer, Explorer

Holistic Happenings in Sacramento, Roseville, & Folsom

Check out our Community Calendar for tons of events & happenings from throughout our region.  Everything from yoga and other movement classes, nutrition and cooking workshops, retreats, festivals, reiki circles, and SO MUCH MORE!

Click HERE to view and make sure to check back regularly as new events are added daily.  If you’d like your event featured on the home page of www.ilovewellbeing.com and/or on the community calendar, email jill@ilovewellbeing.com


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WellBEing Gatherings

Namaste Beautiful BEings!  

We will be putting together a series of WellBEing Gatherings in the latter half of 2013 and would love to know what YOU would like to see, learn, and be part of.

• Are you interested in self growth, increased self esteem, knowing of life purpose, abundance (or all of the above)?

• Are you interested in learning more about business?

• Are you interested in simply meeting and connecting with others that have similar interests?

• Being part of a new retreat or festival?

• Have other ideas?

Please submit a reply on this blog post OR send me an email.



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“Sankalpa” Setting Intention for 2012

On New Years Day I visited Rise Yoga in the Greenhaven Pocket area of Sacramento, CA for an “Inspired Intention” yoga class, in which through meditation and asana (yoga postures), we set personal intentions from our most heartfelt desire.  The yoga teacher and studio owner Ann guided us into an “I Am” statement and suggested we let it come from the heart (not the head).

What came up for me during my New Years Day class was “I Am Love” and it evolved into “I Am In Love”.  Through the class I discovered my core, and was reminded of my deepest desires and to be true to myself.

This can be a practice we can do each day, or any other time, during yoga practice, meditation, or even just lying in bed (morning or night).  As we breath and state “I Am…  I Am…  I Am…”, allowing moments between each “I Am” and allowing your head/mind to stay silent, while your heart fills in the rest of the statement.  Practicing patience with a knowing that what’s true will arise.

(Jan. 2 Morning Follow up: So inspired by my New Year’s Day Yoga class, I am continuing the month with an “I AM” Kundalini Yoga and meditations series with Sukhbir {Monday and Wednesday mornings starting at 5am during January at The Yoga Seed} to ignite the fire of the THIRD CHAKRA and overcome inertia! This course is geared to help us strengthen our will, discipline and commitment so that we are able to set goals and have the staying power to achieve them.)

(Jan. 2 Evening Follow up: I desired more yoga after a long day… And, now, I am learning to respect my desires… So this evening, I visited It’s All Yoga and took a Level 1 Yoga Class with the lovely Michelle Marlahan ~ the class had emphasis on breath, alignment, and strong focus on the presence… the here and now. I left feeling joyful and calm).

Please share what comes to “heart” for you…



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