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WellBEing Resource: Natural Health, Wellness, and Holistic Guide for Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Folsom

Spotlight on Cindy Betts, Hypnotherapist

At WellBEing Resource, we love highlighting the incredible practitioners featured in our directory! Today, we’re shining a light on Cindy Betts, a gifted hypnotherapist specializing in past life regressions, psychic insights, mediumship, and energy readings.

Cindy’s Favorite Self-Care Tip:

“At the end of a shower, I take an extra 30 seconds to focus on how soothing and healing the water feels against my skin. I visualize it washing away negative energy and replacing it with positive, healing vibes.”

How She Can Help You:

Cindy guides clients toward clarity, healing, and confidence by helping them uncover the deeper reasons behind their struggles. Each session is personalized, offering insights through past life regressions, intuitive guidance, and energy work. At the conclusion of hypnosis sessions, clients may also choose a guided visit with departed loved ones or spirit guides.

Special Offer: Mention WellBEing Resource at your first appointment and receive a free crystal!

Why Cindy Loves Being Part of WellBEing Resource:

“Being part of a network of like-minded practitioners and clients who honor alternative self-care is invaluable. WellBEing Resource provides a safe, supportive space for all of us.”


Call 916-834-2631 or visit to learn more!

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