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WellBEing Resource: Natural Health, Wellness, and Holistic Guide for Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Folsom

TreeHugger :)

Hugging trees is a meditation and a union. Today is a beautiful day to hug a tree 🙂 Honor the tree with touch, wrap your arms around it, and take a few deep breaths. Just feel the energy coming from the tree. Notice that the tree is alive just like you and me! It is resilient and enduring. It is fruitful, abundant, and always evolving.

“I have always felt very very drawn to trees! I just love’s like they speak to me in a very special way. This is me hugging a redwood along the ‘Avenue of Giants’ last year. I am a proud tree hugger!” Angela Ramos

“Hug a tree today. It will make your soul happy.” Gay Cooper, TreeHugger

Jill Bernard, TreeHugger

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