WellBEing Resource is a printed and online directory of complementary and alternative healing arts, health and wellness practitioners, events, trainings, and products in the greater Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, and Yolo counties. The information included in the WellBEing Resource are intended for general information and advertising purposes only. The links throughout WellBEing are to web sites maintained by third parties over which the publishers of the WellBEing Resource have no control. The publication of the advertisements in the WellBEing Resource and accompanying links do not imply any endorsement of the services or products advertised. The publishers of the WellBEing Resource make no claims, representations, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of these advertisements or web sites or to the information or quality of services offered therein. Some of the complementary healing modalities and practitioners represented are not licensed by the State of California, or may not be required to be licensed, and their sessions are not intended to diagnose or make any attempt to cure any disease or condition.