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WellBEing Resource: Natural Health, Wellness, and Holistic Guide for Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Folsom

Pamela (Spencer) Conner, Nutritionist

Pamela Spencer_5inHi Pamela! So excited to interview you 🙂

What do you offer here in the local community?

Nutritional Therapy And Naturopathic Medicine. Specializing in digestive disorders, mood disorders, cleansing programs, weight management, and hormone balancing.

What lead you to offering that?

Carl Jung said it best: I am a Wounded Healer. My health started to decline at the age 19 and traditional medicine was unable to help. Alternative Medicine did. After regaining my health I knew I wanted to help others reverse and prevent disease states and imbalance. I went from a terrible quality of life to regaining my health and have more energy than I need in a day and a create quality of life to be the athlete I am today.

What do you love most about what you do?

I help people make big changes in their health and quality of life. Most individuals that come to me are highly motivated to make the changes they need to make but don’t know what they are. For example, to watch someone start out with me with an autoimmune condition and heal out of it brings so much joy to me.

What inspires you?

Watching the human body heal itself, or bring itself back into balance, is amazing to me and inspires me to help as many people have vitality and a great quality of life. Also, older persons that are free from diseases, health imbalances and that are fit and active is very inspiring for me. These persons show me what is possible if we take good care of our bodies. I want to be that person in my older years!

What are you looking forward to in the future?

I’m looking forward to continuing to grow my practice. I’m expanding my Roseville office into a Wellness Center and I’m really excited about it.

Why do you like being a part of WellBEing Resource?  

I enjoy supporting a local small business and especially one that supports health, wellness, and nutrition.

Thanks so much Pamela!

Pamela practices in both Sacramento and Roseville, CA.

Visit her website:, email or call (916) 488-8495.

Namaste sig_DkPurple

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