WellBEing Resource: Natural Health, Wellness, and Holistic Guide for Sacramento, Roseville, Davis, Folsom

Rev Shannon Cary, Spiritual Counselor

Hi Rev Shannon! Thanks for this interview 🙂

What do you offer in the community?

Intuitive Spiritual Guidance, Energetic Healings & Meditation (Visualization) Techniques

What led you to offering these services?

Many different experiences that have happened in my life

What do you love most about what you do?

Assisting others to see their own truth & owning mine

What inspires you?

Knowing myself & others for who they truly are

What are you looking forward to in the future?

Continuing to follow my heart & enjoy what life has to offer

Why do you like being a part of WellBEing Resource?

Connection & Community

Would you like to offer something special for WellBEing Resource readers?

Mention WellBEing for $10 OFF your first 1/2 hour session.

Thanks Rev. Shannon!

Rev. Shannon offers services virtually via phone or Skype, an in person in Sacramento and Folsom.

For more info, visit RevShannon.com, connect on Facebook: /Hearts2Heart

Contact Rev. Shannon at shannon@revshannon.com or 916-712-6012.

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